Saturday, August 23, 2008

Beautiful Hair!

Hair needs good care because it is, in a way, neglected by the body. Not being as important as the heart, lungs, kidney, etc. -- it gets a meagre share of nutrients drawn from the blood, after all the vital organs have finished with it!

Hair is made up of a protein named keratin and, therefore, needs protein for growth. Certain foods have ample amounts of proteins, vitamins and trace minerals which nurture your hair adequately. Let us a take a look of some of them:

EGGS: A boon for the hair. it is a complete food in itself and comes well stocked with proteins, vitamins and minerals. The elements, vital for healthy hair growth,present in eggs are: Amino acids, along with large quantities of vitamin A (for hair growth and vitality) and vitamin B-2, D and E; and sulphur.

MILK: Don't miss out on this precious liquid that keeps the body, mind and hair in a fit condition. Milk and milk products that are beneficial for the hair are: Pure 'ghee', curd, cheese and cream. They contain vitamin A (which also protects the body and its organs from infection), sulphur, zinc (another trace element vital for hair growth) and vitamin B-2, a complete protein with built-in extra vitamins and minerals. Yoghurt ('dahi') has lactic acid and possesses vital nutrients and proteins. It has large amounts fof bacteria which neutralises the ill effects--such as hair fall--of antibiotics.

VEGETABLES: Now we all know why our mothers told us to finish off ALL the greens on our plates. Greens are chockful of goodness, that helps the hair enormously. Vitamin A (again) is present in spionach, lettuce, beet, carrots, turnips, cabbage and tomatoes. Vitamin B2 is found in green vegetables and tomatoes. Dark green vegetables such as spinach also have Vitamin b9 or folic acid, which prevents greying.

Other foods with vitamin B2 are almonds, nuts, citrus fruits and wheat germ. Vitamin A is also present in mangoes, papayas, apricots, prunes, peaches, almons and dry fruits. Sulphur is present in liver, whole grain and nuts. B9 or folic acid is present in mushrooms, nuts and liver.

Now on to things which we must avoid if we want to maintain a healthy head of hair

Run for your life when you see oily and greasy stuff. Say 'no' to junk foods., hamburgers, frankfurters, pastries and such like devilish delights. The grease, fat and sugar can only do harm, no good. Besides, because of the junk food, our body accumulates toxins which react adversely, hurting our system. Aerated drinks,too, have the same effect. Toxins lead to ill-health, which, naturally, will not help the hair. Have lots of milk and fresh vegetables to neutralise their effects and eat plenty of fresh fruits, preferably citrus.

Also, with the advice of a doctor, skip two meals a day once a week and eat only fruits, which will cleanse your system and eliminate the toxins from your body.

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