Lie down with your body relaxed and eyes shut. Take your attention to each body part. Start with the right side, right hand and move down the torso. Do the same for the left side. Shift your attention to the torso, and then neck upwards. Then focus on your heart centre. Imagine you can feel the pumping motion of the heart. Link this to your breath, so both the breath and your hearbeat slow down owing to your awareness. Imagine the blood flowing smoothly through your body, without blocks. Imagine seeing the plaque fallin off, melting in this free-flowing blood. See gooey lums of fat disappearing from the vessels.
Keep this image clearly in your mind for some time.
Then, visualise yourself doing robust physical acts. Imagine people commenting on your stamina and cheerfulness. Keep this image of yourself in your mind for some time.
After some time, begin to externalise your awareness by shifting your attention to your breath, heartbeat, sounds in the room. Moving your hands and feet gently, roll over to sit up. Open your eyes. The entire visualisation should last 10 to 15 minutes.
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