Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Regular visits to the dentist not only protect your teeth, they can also save your carotid arteries, the main blood vessels leading to the brain. According to a recent study by the International Association for Dental Research, Australia, untreated dental disease may cause clogged carotids, leading to an increased risk of stroke. A separate study at the University of California also had similar results. A team there studied 18 silvers with varying degree of dental disease and found that people with carotid clogs usually had tooth decay, missing teeth or considerable amount of bone loss aroung the teeth.

The above content has taken from some magazine.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Here are some tips on good form while running.
1. Head: Hold it erect with your eyes focussed at a point on the ground or the track that is around 100 feet away.
2. Shoulders: Should be square (not hunched forward) and stay level (not swinging forwards or backwards).
3. Arms: Should swing free with elbows bent at 90 degrees with the forearms. While moving the arms, try to keep forearms parallel to the ground. Hands should be in relaxed fists with thumbs on forefingers.
4. Hips: Should not swing from side to side and remain level.
5 Legs: Knee should lift onlymoderately and the feet should land directly under the hips.
6. Feet: Should always land on balls of the feet for a spring action and not on the heels.
Running is a cheap and easy way of exercising, without proper technique it can wreak havoc on the body-joints and the spinal column. Keep that in mind when you take off.
The above content is taken in some magazine.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Good and bad Oils can make or break your constituion. Cholesterol is a substance found in the bloodstream and the body's cells. It is considered an essential component of the body because it is used to produce cell membranes and hormones. The problem create when there is excess cholesterol in the blood. This contributes to coronary heart disease, increasing the chances of a stroke. Heredity, genetics, a sedentary lifestyle and faulty diet habits are some factors that contribute to the condition.
Triglycerides, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL or the good cholesterol). low-density lipoprotein (LDL or the bad cholesterol), very low-density lipoprotein(VLDL) are blood tests done to screen lipid (fatty substances in the blood) profiles. More than 45mg/dL of HDL is considered normal. Anything above 100mg/dL of LDL needs further evaluation from the physician.
What is your condition? check it!
(The above content is a readed matter from some books.)